Friday, August 15, 2014

35 weeks, 2 days - Dr. Appointment and Ultrasound! Surprise!

I had a doctor's appointment this morning at 10 am and, unfortunately, I did not have someone to watch Henry.  Daddy was here, but he got home very late last night.  I think he got to bed around 2:30 and then had to work this afternoon at 1 so he needed to sleep and wasn't able to watch Henry.  Normally, I'd ask Grandma to watch him but I usually keep him home with me on Fridays and, just yesterday, she was telling me about all the things she had planned for today and the things she wanted to get done so I didn't feel like I could call her.  So I just decided to take him with me.  No big deal, right?  I mean, these appointments usually last literally five minutes so all should be good.  Except, surprise!  Today's was not a five minute appointment.  D'oh!

I saw a different doctor today -- Dr. Kleiss.  Loved her.  Actually loved her maybe better than Dr. Lawson.  Whom I like very much but I really liked Dr. Kleiss.  I just felt... connected with her.  Anyway, she was fabulous but surprise!  We did the group B test today.  That is a pelvic swab for anyone who doesn't know.  Lovely.  I mean, not a big deal to have my 2 year old there when I'm naked from the waist down but it's just one more layer of complexity that I did not need when I had Henry with me.  Then, of course, he freaked out when the doctor came in.  She was awesome about it and let me have him up on the table with me while she did the swab and measured my belly/listened to the heartbeat... which I just realized right now I forgot to ask about.  D'oh!  Anyway, I'm still measuring small -- no surprise there -- but I also didn't gain any weight since my last appointment so she decided to send me to ultrasound to make sure the fluid levels were still ok.  Ugh.  Usually I'm so thrilled about ultrasounds but after the melt down that Henry had during the doctor's appointment, I was not looking forward to the ultrasound.

Blah blah blah long story short, he was great in the ultrasound and all is well.  Baby is still measuring small but is growing so they're not worried.  My fluids are fine and all is well.  The tech had a tough time getting the head measurement because baby is sitting so low in my pubic bone... which explains those pains I've been getting.  She told me she couldn't say whether or not baby had dropped (since she's not a doctor) but that she thought baby was sitting much lower than she usually sees them.  I thought only first babies dropped before labor began but who knows?

Anyway, we didn't go back and see the doctor after the ultrasound because all was fine.  Dr. Kleiss did tell me that I have really strong abs and that may be why I"m measuring so small, though (because my abs are keeping my belly taut and from pooching out).  That was really really nice of her to say.  I told her so and then she said that she could feel them and showed me where she was feeling and... I don't know.  It was just a really nice thing to say and made me feel so good.  I feel like I've gotten so much news about what I'm doing wrong or things to worry about with this pregnancy and I've been feeling like I'm the worst pregnant person ever that hearing that just made me feel so happy.  And like I'd done something right.  I mostly hear how much faster you show with your second and subsequent pregnancies because your muscles are all stretched out from the first so, again, hearing that made me feel like I toned up properly and got my body back to being ready for a baby and... I don't know.  It just made me feel good.  All in all, a good doctor's appointment.

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