Friday, August 22, 2014

36 weeks, 2 days - Yet another doctor's appointment

Saw the doc yesterday.  All was GREAT.  I saw a different doctor this time and she was so relaxed about everything that it made me feel absolutely wonderful.  She measured my belly and came up with 36 cm (which is where it's supposed to be).  I told her that's the first time I'd heard that.  She smiled and said the measurement is so subjective that it doesn't really mean much.  That made me feel pretty great.  And it jibes well with what the ultrasound was showing.  She was just very non-reactionary and really calm about everything.  Much more like my doctors in Arlington.  She basically said, everything is fine and let's not worry about it until there's something to worry about.  As opposed to "well, this could go wrong or this could be a problem so let's make sure it isn't."  And I mean, that's great too but I'd prefer not to know about it, I think.  I just liked this doctor so much.  El Gammal.  Kind of sounds like Gargamel.  Loved her.  So.  Of the four docs I've seen in this practice, I was ambivalent about one, like one quite a bit, and absolutely loved two.  Those are some pretty good odds.  I see a different one next week and the last one the week after.  I hope it remains so!

Anyway, heart rate was strong and in the 130s.  Mama gained some weight so I'm now at the same weight I was when Henry was born.  Eek!  That likely means that the next time I step on a scale, I'll be in uncharted territory.  Seeing numbers I've never seen before.  That's a little scary.  I know how quickly it comes down when you have a baby but it's still a little scary since I know I started out weighing less this time than I did with Henry.

Oh also, kind of exciting, I've had a handful of people guess that this baby is a girl.  I've been so confident for such a long time that it's a boy that I kind of forgot that we don't actually know.  So that's been kind of fun, you know, to be reminded.  :)

Oh, and finally, I was talking to my mom the other day about the girl names we'd picked out.  We have five or six and probably won't decide unless we have a girl and then, after spending some time with her.  But our two front runners are Genevieve Kathleen and Mabel Ann.  My mom didn't react much when I told her so I asked if she'd heard, you know, since Ann is her middle name and that baby would kind of be named after her.  She said that she'd heard but she didn't know the appropriate way to react so she just didn't.  Then she told me she'd also noticed the Kathleen (Stevie's middle name) and I told her that we came up with that because Stevie pointed out that our Genevieve nickname (Evie) would sure sound an awful lot like Stevie.  I hadn't realized it when I picked Eve as the nickname but I liked it very much and figured, well, if we're going to name her after Stevie, we might as well go whole hog.  So that's how we ended up with Genevieve Kathleen.  My mom LOVED it.  She got to laughing really hard because she thought it was awfully hilarious that our child, Genevieve, would be named after my sister, Stephanie.  Ha!


  1. Terrible Aunt Amy has not been on your blog for AGES!!!! I didn't even know you guys did the hospital tour! I'm glad it went well. And I'm so not surprised Matt wanted the personal chef. HAHA! So Matthew. I'm still waiting for my "feeling" of whether it's a boy or girl (remember, I am always wrong so whatever I guess is a pretty strong guarantee that it will be the opposite. I guessed girl for Henry). And don't worry about that weight Momma! I was nearly 10lbs heavier when I had Carter than Brooke (and Carter was a smaller baby than Brooke). I know you'll shed all of it just like you did with Henry. My goodness, you looked AMAZING days after you had Henry. I'm getting so excited!! And now I'll stop writing all over your blog.

    1. Aww, you're not terrible! You're under no obligation to read it and frankly, up until recently, you saw us so frequently that you knew all of our updates from talking to us. Why would you need to read it? And really, I'm not "worried" about the weight; just... I don't know. I'm finally gaining which is what I'm supposed to be doing and I haven't hit that magical 25 lbs yet, which is what we're shooting for. It just feels weird to think that... well, whatever. I know that it's important for the baby and really, I'm glad that I'm finally being successful at it. And you have no idea what I looked like after having Henry, fool. You didn't see us for like a month because your house had the plague. Consistently. For like 4 weeks after we got to Atlanta.

      Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! It's so weird to have gone so long without seeing your family after seeing them so regularly for months and months!
