Wednesday, January 29, 2014

7 weeks, 0 days - Closing time!

Well, we're officially home owners!  Sort of.  A midst the excitement of our close, Atlanta got hit with a snow storm.  Three inches of snow fell which would be nothing in PA or DC, but here, it caused enormous issues.  It took Andrew 5.5 hours to get home from work.  Kids got stranded at school.  The local folks I work with on my project weren't able to make it home last night.  My friend, Kevin, said that he left yesterday at 1:45 pm and still hadn't made it home as of 8 am this morning.  All I can think is how fortunate we are that we closed yesterday and neither of us got stuck in that mess.  Our minor annoyance is that the bank was closed by the time we closed so the mortgage money hasn't changed hands yet.  So I'm not sure if we're officially home owners or not yet.  But whatever.  It feels like we are.

Ooh!  I took pictures of the kites in Henry's room:
Again, not what I was hoping for but they're fine.  And if anyone makes fun, I can say that I wanted them to look like a kid did them.

As far as baby news goes, there's not much to report.  I've been keeping track of spotting and since I started doing that, it hasn't happened much again.  So that's good.

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