Monday, January 20, 2014

5 weeks, 5 days - Not feeling so hot

There is nothing wrong with me.  I'm not nauseous.  I don't have a headache.  My back doesn't hurt and I'm not grumpy.  I just don't feel good. Yes, I'm unusually tired but man, I just plain don't feel good.  Baby?  Maybe. Blerg.  Nana was here this weekend visiting with Henry while Matt and I packed but I didn't get nearly as much stuff done as I'd hoped because I got tired so quickly and I just haven't been feeling well.  It's hard to describe, though.  Nothing that I can pinpoint or attribute not feeling well.  Just not good.  Maybe I overdid it with the packing.  Who knows.

Had a super great visit with Nana.  We visited the new house.  Close was pushed back from 1/24 to the following week because the landscaper won't be finished on Friday.  Boo.  I'm very disappointed but there's not much to do.  In any case, the house looks beautiful.  Nana thought so, too.  Henry seemed to think it was pretty neat.  Posterity?  Well, we're not sure where we're going to put you, yet.  We'll just have to see how the whole house shakes out.  We had it planned out for one baby but now that there's a second on the way, it's going to take some rethinking.  Not that there's a space issue or anything.  We just hadn't planned on a second baby bedroom quite so quickly.  I wonder what we'll do...

Anyway, can't wait to move into the new digs!  They're super sweet!  We'll be having a house warming in the spring some time so I hope everyone is able to make it so we can show off the fruits of our years and years of responsible saving.  And penny pinching.  And thankless frugality.  It's all paying off here.  House be gorgeous, yo.


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