Monday, January 27, 2014

6 weeks, 5 days - Over do it? Boy, it's been over done...

We went to the new house this weekend to paint Henry's room before we move in.  As you may or may not recall, we're closing on the house tomorrow so I wanted to make sure Henry's room is as ready as it can be before we get there.  His fan is up and I spent Saturday painting the walls "gentle sky" blue.

It's a nice color and looks great on his walls.  I also painted a mural of a couple of kites but stupidly forgot to take a picture, so I'll have to do that tomorrow when we're there for closing.  Those look ok.  Matt said they look great, but I think he was just being nice.  They're not awful but they're also not what I was hoping for.  I wanted them to look awesome and professional but they look like Henry's mommy went in and painted a couple of kites on the wall.  Which is what happened but not what I wanted it to look like.  Oh well.  No one else knows what was in my head so I can just pretend that's what I wanted the entire time.  

I also ordered some grass decals to go along the boarder on the floor.  I think they'll look great.  

There are a lot of flowers in the grass, but I'm thinking that might make it a good cross over in order to use this room for Posterity if she turns out to be a girl.  In the mean time, I feel like, yes there are a lot of flowers in the grass, but I don't think it will look too too much like a little girl's room with the blue walls and the kites in the sky.  I just want it to look neutral, not like a boy's or girl's room.  We'll see.  Again, nobody knows what I'm gunning for, so I can just pretend it's what I planned the whole time.  And if I hate it, well, then we take down the decals and go for something else.  Most of them are just so expensive and these were so affordable.  We'll see.  And, frankly, if I'm so inclined, I can cut off a bunch of the flowers at the top if I feel like they're too flowery.  We'll just have to wait and see what they look like.

Anyway, after all the work on Saturday and Sunday, I was done.  Like totally, tapped out, finished.  I felt TERRIBLE.  Like I had the flu or something.  My tummy was bad but not nauseous bad, just sick bad.  My muscles ached and I was just so tired that I could hardly stand up.  I don't have the flu so all I can think is that I way way way over did on Sat and Sunday.  I need to be a lot more careful because I got way way way too sick after that.  My goodness.  Lesson.  Learned.

So, I don't know if I'm having symptoms or not.  I haven't had any nausea or anything.  I've been tired and I get worn out pretty quickly.  I seem to get winded pretty easily.  I'm just not sure if those are symptoms or just me being out of shape and lazy.  I just don't know.  Obviously, I'm not celebrating the lack of morning sickness yet as I'm not even 7 weeks along but I am a little surprised that there hasn't been anything.  Surprised and worried, I guess.  I'm still having very regular spotting.  I've read that's common in early pregnancy but that coupled with not having any symptoms makes me wonder if maybe there's not really anything growing in there.  I wish I didn't have to wait 3 more weeks for the doctor's appointment.  Three weeks from today.  Blerg.  It seems like forever.  We'll be busy between now and then so hopefully it will go quickly, but I'm really really looking forward to that ultrasound, just for peace of mind.

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