Monday, January 13, 2014

4 weeks, 5 days - Yes Plus!

Coming this September to a hospital near (or not so near in some cases) you!  That's right folks, you're reading that test correctly!  As of last night at 7 pm, we found out that Henry is going to be a big brother!  Wahoo!!  So, maybe while we were in Gatlinburg, I shouldn't have spent an hour in the hot tub or drank quite so much wine.  But it surely explains why I've been so tired and grumpy lately!  Hooray, hooray, hooray!  I haven't called the doctor or scheduled any appointments or anything but based on when my last period was, we should be looking at 9/17/2014 as a due date.  That's obviously subject to change based on our doctor appointments, but I wouldn't expect it to change much since I believe they base it off of your last menstrual cycle.

We're not going to tell anyone at all until after we have our first early ultrasound (around 8 weeks, if my experiences in Arlington were any indication), so this is a chronicle that may not actually get read but I want to keep it for posterity, so that we always remember this journey.

With Henry, I started a blog to keep Matt, my family, and Matt's family updated on what was going on.  The purpose of the blog morphed, however, as my pregnancy progressed and ultimately became a record of my first few months with Henry Theodore Pieper Rehbein.  I printed it out into a book for him that he can look back on if he ever wonders what his mama's pregnancy was like.  I'd like to do that again, for both my family and Matt's family far away, but also for this teeny poppy seed of a baby.  Maybe we'll call her Poppy.  Or just Posterity.  Henry went from Bump to Lump to... I can't even remember now.  But since this blog is being recorded for posterity, it kind of makes sense that I refer to her as Posterity.  Ha!

Anyway, as with Henry, we won't find out the gender.  We both really liked finding out when he was born, so we'll do that again.  As such, please don't read into gender pronouns used throughout, as I'll likely flip back and forth, depending on the day.

Hooray hooray hooray!!

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