Wednesday, January 15, 2014

5 weeks, 0 days - Baby Apple Seed and Spotting...

According to the charts, Baby P is the size of an apple seed and her heart is going to start beating this week!  Crazy.  1/4 inch long and already has mouth and limb buds.  It's really amazing how fast things happen in baby land.

I had some light pink spotting yesterday along with some mild cramping.  I'm not worried because I understand spotting is very common throughout pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, but it was still... I don't know.  After Angel Baby, I think I'm going to be forever anxious until I get a good ultrasound.  I haven't called the doctor yet because they won't see me much before 8 weeks.  I'll do it soon, though.  I was poking around online and noticed that women of advanced maternal age (aka 35 and older) are considered high risk and frequently need to see a perinatal OB as well as their normal OB.   I'm not crazy about that.  I wonder if my doctor will consider me high risk.  Yes, I'm 35 but I'm in pretty good health and I had a really easy pregnancy last time so maybe not?  I don't really know what to hope for, to be honest.  I mean, I don't want to go to the doctor every other week, but if it means more ultrasounds, then I'd get to see Posterity a bit more often.  I think it's different with every doctor/practice, but in Arlington, we did an 8 week ultrasound, maybe a 13 week ultrasound, a 20 week one, then something again really late.  Maybe 36 weeks.  Then we also did the one on the day they decided to induce me, but I don't count that one as much because I didn't get pics from it.  Maybe I'm miscounting. I don't know.  But I have a friend who had her first babe at 35 and they were doing ultrasounds once a month.  That might be nice.  We'll see.

I'm also considering changing doctors.  The one I'm seeing here is nice and fine and was recommended by the doc in Arlington that I LOVED.  But she's pretty close to where I live now.  Once we move (NEXT WEEK!!!!), she's going to be over an hour away from me.  Now, the practice I went to in VA was nearly an hour away with rush hour traffic, but I'm not sure I want to do that again.  Especially because I like this lady but I dont' know her much.  I've only seen her a total of 3 times (postpardum, annual, fertility checkups).  I'm thinking of asking her if she knows anyone OTP south (that's outside the perimiter, for your non-ATLiens), but I haven't decided yet.  I'm one who is pretty dedicated to my doctors.  We'll see.

Anyway, still feeling good!  No complaints thus far.  Tired, yes, but again, I'm not sure it's any more tired than I usually am.  And I'm not feeling grumpy anymore.  I have a bunch of friends who had more trouble with their second pregnancy than their first so I'm a little nervous about what's going to happen around 7-8 weeks with morning sickness, but we'll just take things one day at a time and see where we land.  Hopefully, Baby P will be just as easy on mommy as Baby H was.  Hooray!!  I still can't believe I'm pregnant!!  I'm trying to ignore it and forget about it because otherwise, I think about it all day long.  And that makes the days absolutely creep by.

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